movement study – standard North American strip search procedure (2012); photograph by Joshua Schwebel.

movement study – diptych (2012). Reciprocal readymade, vinyl text on wall; photograph by Morris Lum.

empty pockets
remove accessories
place the contents out of reach

take off clothing
article by article
shake out each piece
place clothing out of reach

tilt head down
run fingers through the top of the head
pull right ear forward
pull left ear forward

tilt head back
open mouth. wide
stick tongue out. up
pull down lower lip
lift upper lip

stick hands forward. fingers wide
turn hands over. hands up

spread legs. wide

lift penis. retract foreskin
lift testicles

turn around
lift right leg up. wiggle toes
lift left leg up. wiggle toes

bend forward
spread buttocks

movement study – sway, sway, sway (2012)

movement study (2012). Vinyl text on wall; photograph by Morris Lum.